Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Positive Thinking

“ By working with positive thinking, affirmations and other self improvement techniques you can change your reality by attracting the positive situations, circumstances and events that will help you achieve your goals. This is done by properly communicating with the power of your mind and subconscious mind.” Kareem Hajee
Positive thinking is a practice. You don’t just wait until things are terrible and think your way out of it. Each day you water the garden of your mind through affirmations and therefore develop a pattern for positive thinking. Most of us have a pattern for negative affirmations; but a simple habit of replacing them with positive thoughts can help you realize the life you crave.
Researchers studied 16 patients over a 30 year period to see if their attitudes helped in their recovery. “In each case the better the patient’s expectations about how they would do after surgery or some other health procedure , the better they did,” said author Donald Cole, of the Institute for Work and Health in Toronto. Dr. Nancy Snyderman of Good Morning America stated “This mind-body connection that we have been toying with for the past couple of decades really does have hard science behind it.” Those that thought they would do well did, those that thought they would not didn’t.
If this process can help you through a surgical procedure don’t you think it can help with a daily routine?
Where do we begin? Well first off keep track of all of your thoughts for one day. Write down negative and positive thoughts for that day. At the end of the day total them up. If you have more negative thoughts than positive, you have created a negative attitude. That’s correct, you created it.
Let’s fix it. First we must get rid of all the negative thoughts possible. Look over your negative list and see if they are all really true. Is so and so really a jerk? Is that task that bad? If it is not really true throw it out. These things are only serving to make you feel bad.
Of those negatives that are true there will be some you have to deal with. Make sure you understand them. Is your job that bad, or do you just not like working. It is said, “find something you like to do and you will never have to work again”. Now I’m not suggesting that you quit your job, but if you really hate it, replace it.
Secondly we must concentrate on the positives. Every day and during each day take a minute to think about the things that are good in your life. I don’t make a lot of money raising cattle, it is not my main income source. However, on a crisp, clear day to stand in the middle of a pasture and watch the baby calves playing is a blessing. Whatever you enjoy give yourself credit for having it.
If you will simply go through this simple exercise of reducing the negatives and concentrating on the positives eventually the good will out number the bad. Once you have reached this point you have developed a positive attitude. A positive attitude will go a long way to obtaining what you desire.

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